Lone Gadegaard Dyrby, is a Danish artist who finds her inspiration in imagination, joy, nature, good mood and all kinds of colors. Her paintings are abstract, figurative, whimsical and imaginative, made to give the viewer a happy and positive experience.
She works from the 'right here & now' feeling, where the painting is allowed to grow in the process.
She begins a new painting with one purpose; “ to be in a creative universe, where time and place dissolve and creativity is allowed to arise and run wild.
“In my painting universe, the most important thing is; positivity, joy, humor, reflection and colors. When I work with a new painting, it is with the intention, to creating an experience that can give you a feeling of something made from a good and positive place.
To be able to create an image universe, that for others has a 'feel good' effect when they look at it'.
'Being able to see both the humor and the seriousness in small insignificant things is, among other things, an important factor in my art. In several of my paintings, there are small signs, hints and messages hidden, which may at first seem quite insignificant, but has a deeper meaning and can be fun and relevant to reflect on when you look at my paintings'.
Akryl på lærred og lag af silkepapir, afsluttet med lak. Vi skal passe godt på naturen. Plante flere træer, lad naturen blive vild og sørge for en masse blomster til insekterne.
Glæde, farver & fantasi er hvad jeg har lagt i dette maleri for at skabe positive vibes når man ser på det. Kunst skal skabe glæde og en 'feel good' fornemmelse.
Når de fleste af os tænker på økosystemer, tænker vi på forholdet mellem planter og dyr. Men det mest fundamentale forhold i ethvert økosystem er mellem miljøet og alt, hvad der lever der. Efterhånden som miljøet ændrer sig, skal uanset hvad der bor der, tilpasse sig ændringerne eller erstattes af planter og dyr, der er bedre tilpasset de nye forhold. Alt hænger sammen og ændrer sig altid.
When most of us think about ecosystems, we think of the relationships between plants and animals. But the most fundamental relationship in any ecosystem is between the environment and everything that lives there. As the environment changes, whatever lives there must adapt to the changes or be replaced by plants and animals better adapted to the new conditions. Everything is connected and always changing.
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